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Category Archives: Logistics & Transportation

The Logistics blog category

INspection Services in Africa

Quality Control Inspections in Africa

Quality Control Inspections in Africa. Africa is the most populated and diverse continent in the world. Africa can be broken down into five regions. Northern, Eastern, Central, Western, and Southern Africa. Each region is diverse in population, production, wealth and culture. Consequently, many companies worldwide will have an African country included in their business model. […]

Fruit Surveying and Inspection Services

Fruit Inspection Services

Fruit Quality Inspection Fruit Quality Inspection – Fruit is one of the world’s most globalized and transported products. It’s incredible how an apple produced in South Africa ends up in a fruit bowl in a home located in the middle of Texas or on a shelf at a market stall in Berlin. It can have […]

Tips and Advice for International Supply Chains

International Supply Chain – Advice & Tips

International Supply Chain – Advice and Tips International Supply Chain – Every firm, whether it trades services or products, has a supply chain. A supply chain is a set of processes and practices which continually evolve and adapt to meet customer demands and changes in the business environment. A company must undertake a detailed analysis […]

Freight News December 2020

International Freight update

International Freight update International Freight News –  (9 Dec 2o20) – The shortage of containers in Asia, limiting their ability to load exports, and the continuation of port congestion across Northern Europe has had a profound impact on sea freight services, with a number of shipping lines suspending all freight bookings until, at the earliest, […]

International Export Strategies

International Export Strategies and Tips

International Export Strategies – Barriers to international trade, investment and migration are now lower than they have ever been. The internet, improved communications and low transport costs move goods, services and people easier far than it has ever been. The rise of the BRIC’s (Brazil, Russia, India & China) and the MINT’s (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria […]

Tips on how to export to Germany

Exporting to Germany – Advice and Top Tips

Exporting to Germany – Overview Exporting to Germany – Germany is the biggest economy in the European Union and is regarded as an industrial powerhouse which drives the European Union. So, last year, Germany became the 3rd largest economy in the world, according to the IMF. It has a stable government, a strong rule of […]

Will UK Services be affected after Brexit?

Brexit Consequences- Can the UK really ignore the EU?

Brexit Consequences – Can the UK really disconnect from Europe? Brexit Consequences for the UK – When EU President Donald Tusk said in a February 2019 speech, “a special place in hell waits for those who promoted Brexit without a sketch of a plan on how to carry it through”, he was portraying the EU’s […]

How to manage cultural diversity

Understanding Business Culture

The importance of Understanding Business Culture Business Culture – One of the essential things in business is culture; legendary management consultant Peter Ducker once commented that “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. For organizations of all sizes, understanding and addressing cultural issues have become increasingly important in today’s business environment due to the following reasons: 1. […]

Exporting to Nigeria – Useful Background Information

Exporting to Nigeria – Overview Exporting to Nigeria – Nigeria is Africa’s largest market and biggest oil producer. Oil accounts for 90% of Nigeria’s export revenues. More than 110 million Nigerians live below the poverty line. Nigeria plays an important leadership role in both West Africa and the African continent. Nigeria is 31st in the World […]

Doing business in Thailand? Exporting To Thailand Tips

Exporting to Thailand – Overview Exporting to Thailand – Thailand is the second largest economy in the ASEAN trade block. Thailand’s economy is heavily reliant on exports. As of the latest data available, the country exported goods worth $287 billion. Key export categories included machinery and computers, electrical equipment, vehicles, rubber, gems, plastics, minerals, meat […]